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肖越,1994年,助理研究员,硕士生导师。2020年于北京大学获得流体力学理学博士学位,2022年入选山东大学青年学者未来计划,主要从事非牛顿流体力学、流动稳定性及转捩相关研究,开展了包括非牛顿流体稳定性、热分层流体稳定性和槽道湍流转捩等方面工作,相关成果发表在J. Fluid Mech.Phys. Rev. FluidsPhys. FluidsPhys. Rev. EInt. J. Heat Mass Transfer等国际权威期刊,主持或参与国家自然科学基金、山东省自然科学基金、山东大学青年学者未来计划等科研项目,共计发表学术论文20余篇。







2023-2025        山东省自然科学基金青年项目(主持)     粗糙壁面槽流转捩中波包的演化规律和机理的研究

2023-2027        山东大学未来学者计划(主持)         复杂流体流动及其稳定性

2024-2027        国家自然科学基金面上项目(参与)         微管道内非牛顿流体中颗粒惯性聚焦现象的力学机理与数值模拟

2018-2021        国家自然科学基金重大研究计划(参与)         光滑与粗糙边壁槽流的亚临界转捩机理研究


2023         山东大学青年教师讲课比赛一等奖

2023         山东大学工会工作先进个人

2022         全国高等学校力学类专业优秀本科毕设

2022         山东大学优秀本科毕业论文指导奖

2021         山东大学新入职教师研修班优秀学员

2018         北京大学优秀科研奖

2015         山东省优秀毕业生

2014         全国徐芝纶力学优秀学生

2013         全国大学生周培源力学竞赛一等奖

2013         全国大学生结构设计竞赛二等奖




  1. Shaowei Wang, Shaofeng      Du, Yue      Xiao*, Moli Zhao.      Instability of a viscoelastic film with insoluble surfactants on an      oscillating plane. J. Fluid Mech.,      973, A39, 2023. 

  2. Yue Xiao,      Jianjun Tao*, F.H. Busse. Instabilities of      rotating inclined buoyancy layers. Phys. Rev. E,      108, 025102, 2023.

  3. Bin Zhang, Moli Zhao, Yue      Xiao*, Shaowei Wang*.      Instabilities of the buoyancy layer for the Carreau fluid in thermally      stratified medium. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 8,      073904, 2023.

  4. Yue Xiao,      Linsen Zhang, Jianjun Tao*. Slip boundary      effect on the critical Reynolds number of subcritical transition in      channel flow. Theor. App.      Mech. Lett., 13, 2, 2023.

  5. Yue Xiao, Yi Li, Moli      Zhao, Shaowei Wang*. Finite-amplitude instability of      the buoyancy boundary layer in thermally stratified medium. J. Fluid Mech.,      947, A40, 2022.

  6. Yue Xiao, Bin      Zhang,      Moli Zhao, Shaowei Wang*. Convective and      absolute instabilities in inclined buoyancy layers. Phys. Fluids, 34,      094102, 2022.

  7. Yue Xiao, Yi Li, Moli      Zhao, Shaowei Wang*. Instabilities of the natural      convection around a cone in thermally stratified medium. Phys. Rev. E,      106, 035102, 2022.

  8. Jiajie Liu, Shaowei Wang*,      Moli Zhao, Yue Xiao*.      Dynamic response of Maxwell fluid in an elastic cylindrical tube. Phys. Fluids, 34,      073109, 2022.

  9. Yue Xiao, Bin      Zhang, Moli      Zhao, Shaowei Wang*. Instabilities of      buoyancy-induced flow along vertical cylinder in thermally stratified      medium. Phys. Fluids, 34,      044109, 2022.

  10. Xu Yang, Yue Xiao*,      Shaowei Wang*, Moli Zhao. Electroosmotic flow      of fractional Maxwell fluid in a microchannel of isosceles      right-triangular cross-section. Mech. Time-Depend Mat.,      2022.

  11. Xu Yang, Shaowei Wang*,      Moli Zhao, Yue Xiao. Electroosmotic flow of Maxwell fluid in      a microchannel of isosceles right triangular cross section. Phys. Fluids, 33,      123113, 2021.

  12. Yue Xiao,      Jianjun Tao*, Linsen Zhang. Self-sustaining      and propagating mechanism of localized wave packet in plane-Poiseuille      flow. Phys. Fluids, 33,      031706, 2021.

  13. Jinsheng Liu, Yue Xiao,      Linsen Zhang, Mogeng Li, Jianjun Tao *,      Shengjin Xu *. Extension at the downstream end      of turbulent band in channel flow. Phys. Fluids, 32,      121703, 2020.

  14. Jinsheng Liu, Yue Xiao,      Mogeng Li, Jianjun Tao *, Shengjin Xu *.      Intermittency, Moments, and Friction Coefficient during the Subcritical      Transition of Channel Flow. Entropy, 22,      1399, 2020.

  15. Yue Xiao,      Jianjun Tao*, Xue Ma, Xiangming Xiong.      Oscillating convection and reversal flow in connected cavities. Phys. Rev. E, 98,      063109, 2018.

  16. Moli Zhao, Yue Xiao,      Shaowei Wang*. Linear stability of thermalbioconvection      in a suspension of gyrotactic micro-organisms. Int. J. Heat      Mass Transfer, 126, 95–102, 2018.

  17. Yue Xiao,      Binglei Wang*, Shenjie Zhou. Pull-in voltage      analysis of electrostatically actuated MEMS with piezoelectric layers: A      size-dependent model. Mech. Res. Ccommun, 66,      7-14, 2015.








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